"If a life of wine, women and song become too much, give up the singing." -Anonymous-
- One bottle of wine = 750 ml or 1/5 gallon.
- One barrel = 60 gallons or 300 bottles
- One ton of grapes = approximately 700 bottles of wine.
- One acre of vineyards of low yield for quality wines = 2-4 tons of grapes.
- One acre of vineyards of high yield for less expensive wines = 10 tons of grapes.
- One bottle contains 25.6 ounces of wine or about four glasses.
- Four ounces of wine = about 85 calories.
- Over 90% of the world's winee is consumed within two years of its vintage date.
- It's estimated that 98% of all wine sold is consumed within one week of its purchase.
- All 50 states can claim at least one commercial winery.
- Pepsi Cola has a higher pH (acid level) than wine but the taste is lost in the sugar.
- A bottle of sparkling wine has approximately 56 million bubbles, give or take a few million.
- The average cost of of the grapes in a $20 bottle of wine is $2.64.
- During Prohibition, a product called the "Grape Brick" was sold to wine-parched households across America. Attached to the "brick" of dried and pressed wine grape concentrate was a packet of yeast, and the stern warning, "Do not add yeast or fermentation will result."
- In Ancient Babylon, the brid's father would supply his son-in-law will all the mead (fermented honey wine) he could drink for a month after the wedding. Because their calendar was lunar or moon-based, this period of free mead was called the "honey month," or what we now call the "honeymoon."
"Why is there so much wine left at the end of my money?" -Anonymous-