Really HOT Trader Joe's Wine Tip
First, I apologize for not posting photos of the wines but with the need "improved" Google format, they say you can upload your photos from an Android phone or an iPhone. I have an iPhone. Google doesn't like iPhones so it's impossible (for a non-tech person like myself) to get an app that assists.
Anyway, the hot tip is for Earthstone Chardonnay for $3.99 a bottle! This was originally bottled by Rodney Strong, yes, Rodney Strong for a TJ competitor but they're pricing didn't work and the program collapsed. In comes TJ's to the rescue! We bought it all. It normally sells for $13 a bottle but you can get it starting today for $3.99 a bottle. I went to our store and tasted it....bought a case!
By the way, it's only available to CA stores so sorry about the rest of the country and all my follower in Hungary. Of course, in Hungary, they don't have a Trader Joe's, Maybe a Trader Jozsef...?
Tom da Wine Guy